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Mars Area Elementary School

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Results of IOWA & CogAT Testing Distributed

Mars Area School District sent the results of the IOWA Test of Basic Skills (IOWA) and Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) home with students on March 22.                                                                                                 

In January 2019, the District administered the IOWA and CogAT test to all students in kindergarten, first grade, and second grade. The purpose of the assessments was (1) to determine and address any gaps in the District’s curriculum; (2) to assist teachers in providing lessons at the student instructional level and to create effective enrichment/remediation strategies; (3) to provide nationally normed data at student assistance meetings to assist in decisions about evaluation for additional supports and services; and, (4) to offer a reliable, summative system of assessment to screen students for placement into the District’s gifted and/or special education programs.

The District asks that all parent(s)/guardian(s) carefully read the letter that accompanies your child’s results. And, we ask that you please note that the results of these tests are simply one piece of information in your child’s educational career.

Specific questions regarding the assessments or the interpretation of the results may be addressed to the Mars Area School District Office of Special Education at (724) 625-1518.